Friday morning, the horizon is cloudy all the way around. Some blue is visible above. The sea is mostly calm in the morning, with a few crests breaking. There are long, low swells from more than one direction, beating together. Sometimes they cancel each other, and sometimes they are additive, giving us a moderate roll. Roll today was 14 degrees max either way. Roll was a little more last night. Last evening, while I was working on my laptop, my coffee cup and glass were sliding back and forth on my desk top with the occasional stronger rolls. For the night, I put most stuff away, or on the floor. The artificial plant came down overnight.
Had a dream about poisonous snakes in Roxbury Park. The impact of my toe kicking the bed border woke me. In the serial dream, I used the city machine with its 9 banks of mowers to clean out the park. Slept well after that until breakfast. Sometimes, the aroma of breakfast from the ventilation system wakes me. We had another time zone change last night, and are on Azores time now, 1 hour before GMT. Yesterday afternoon, I walked 2 laps around the upper main deck. The sea and salt relentlessly attack the structure. On a working ship, the main time to chip and paint is at sea, weather permitting. I step carefully. Got permission for and received a very excellent engine room tour. Clean and bright. Had to wear ear protection. The slop chest is open for the 3rd time. I don't need anything this time. We are headed for a low near Europe. Higher swells are forecast for the early morning hours. The breaking wave crests have changed to white caps. I will eat light tonight. I hear that there will be 2 German passengers joining the ship in Hamburg, and an American in Singapore.