Sunday, started overcast. Afternoon was hazy low, clear and sunny high. For the last 2 days, the swells have been from the aft about the same speed as the ship. The ride has been smooth. At the Barbeque Event last evening, there was chicken, brats, fried rice, German chocolate cake, cheese cake, and many other goodies. There was a screen and karaoke set up, but I refrained. Some of the officers talked about what it was like to be at sea 25 years ago with no email or cell phones. I remember it well. We got mail because people still wrote letters. For the most part, crew members go to the local seamen's club and call or email. Some cell phones work close to the coast. One of the passengers flies a glider, which he owns cooperatively.
Our course has been close to Africa. I woke last night at 0300. The ship was only a few kilometers from the coast of Algeria. I could see many city lights. The sky was clear for a while, and the Moon has not risen. Orion was clear, as well as his hounds, Canis Major with Sirius, and Canis Minor. I found one of the Orion Nebulas, M42. Could see the color of the gas cloud through my binoculars. I know where to look next time for the other Orion Nebula, M78. Castor and Pollux of Gemini were too high in the sky to see from my cabin window, and I didn't want to see them enough to get dressed and go up to the Pilot Deck.
We entered another time zone last night, the Eastern European time zone. We are now 8 hours ahead of home. Walked to the focsl this afternoon. Spent an hour in the sun. Surfaces have a fine coating of salt crystals, which sparkle in the sunlight. Still wore 2 layers over my shirt.