Monday, Slop Chest day. Overcast, partly cloudy in the afternoon. The early evening moon is just a sliver. The 2 evening stars are planets, Venus and Jupiter. Sometimes you can see 1-4 of Jupiter's largest moons with only binoculars. Woke at 0100. Lights to the south. Moderate roll. It was another starry night. I could tell the approximate time by the position of the stars.
Had my first daytime nap of the voyage this morning. I was drowsy and lay down on the couch, watching the reflection of the sea going by on the overhead light panel. Next thing I knew, a half hour had disappeared. Felt great, and it was time to eat again! It is warmer. I walked to the focsl after lunch and read for an hour. I was comfortable with a tee shirt and windshell. Walked on the port side to and from because the starboard side was quite wet. The swells are coming from the starboard fore quarter and splashing on deck.
We steamed through the Malta straight earlier. The sea bottom rises to 92 meters there. We are north of Libya now. Finished reading COLLAPSE, How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, by Jared Diamond. Finished watching The Bucket List last night. Working on the new list for next year. It is 1830 and dark. Outside lights are out, so no other ships are nearby.