Sunday, early light haze, sunny all day, another perfect tropical day at sea. Cargo loading continued into the early morning hours. The cranes are secured and locked for sea. We depart Singapore and are underway at 0800. We pass the original area of Singapore, now filled with tall, modern buildings. Except for the haze, it is a postcard picture. Later we pass a large anchorage of ships waiting for clearance to enter the port. There are many small fishing boats in the ship channel, with one or two people, and oars or a sail. For the first half of the day, while the water is shallow, the water color is that beautiful light blue. It changes to darker blue later in the day as the water gets deeper and the sun gets lower in the sky. It is nice to be back on the focsl after lunch.
I listen to Stephen Lynch and laugh out loud. Learned a few new songs to sing at the next neighborhood party. I still notice no birds or fish here. A white 5 gallon pail floats past. I am reading my China book and considering options. Tonight, the time retards an hour, so we will be back to only 13 hours ahead of CST for a week, before it starts advancing again. The itinerary has some more tentative changes. South America and Galveston are out. Freeport, TX is in. ETA in Houston is now 2/18/09.