Tuesday, hazy, rainy, foggy, colder. Temperature was 17 degrees C at 13:00. I wore on a long sleeve shirt for the first time in a month. Last night: Gave myself a haircut. With a single mirror, the back is the hardest, but most of my flip is gone now. Looks ok from the front, and I can't see the back.
Had moderate roll. This morning, the maximum roll indicator showed 10 degrees. Saw more small ships and boats as we neared Hong Kong. 13:15 The ship is going in circles. Either the rudder is broken, or we are waiting for the pilot to arrive. 15:45 Dropped anchor. We are between Hong Kong Island and Lamma Island, closer to the northwest corner of Lamma Island. The ship will not be at dock here. Barges are used for loading and unloading cargo. 17:15 Spoke with the local agent. This was the only agent so far who would admit his identity and actually give us his card. The water taxi will cost us 130 USD, each way. We will split that between us. The taxi will pick us up at 09:00 Wednesday morning. Liberty expires at 22:00. There are supposed to be fireworks tomorrow night.