Christmas Day Thursday, overcast. Last evening, we gathered in another passenger's cabin and enjoyed traditional German Christmas cake-cookies with hot tea and good conversation. At 9 am, I called home and talked with family and friends. It was 8 pm Chistmas Eve at home, and the party was in full swing.
Watched a Michael Palin DVD on freighter travel. BBC 1988. He reenacted Around the World in 80 Days. While the ship was a container ship, the physical movement of the ship at sea was representative. At noon, we had a Christmas feast in the crew's mess. Chef Roger did a magnificent job, serving up roast turkey and piglet, to name just a few of the items. Of course, there were liquid refreshments, followed by karaoke. Watched until 4:30 pm. I'm too full to think about supper. There are many small fishing boats around with bright lights, perhaps to attract fish.