Sunday, overcast, foggy, and rainy. At noon, I stood for a few minutes on the Pilot Deck, under the overhand, watching the rain water slosh back and forth on the deck as the ship rolled. I have full rain gear, but decided not to make the trip to the focsl today. Some of the crew was apprehensive about crossing the Indian Ocean, based on their previous rough crossing in late summer. While we aren't across yet, the water has been fairly the smooth, and much easier than the North Atlantic and the North Sea.
My communication link has been behaving. I had originally shortened the two cables to keep then neat, with a bread bag twister on one and a rubber band on the other. I think one was being crimped. I dont even stow them now, just leave them out straight. I also dont try to transmit from 4 pm until dark. Have only had one problem with a large file.
On my trips to Japan, I had accumulated many complimentary tissue packs. When my cabin tissue box ran out, I decided to use them up, so I won't be hauling them home. We have another time zone change tonight, so tomorrow we will be on Jakarta time, 13 hours ahead of CST. I have included a picture of Chef Roger carving the roast piglet from our feast last night.