Friday, rain and foggy early, overcast all day. Rain at 6 pm, with increasing roll. Last night: Roll was mild. Even though it was cloudy, we are closs to full moon. I took pictures in the early morning hours when the moon peeked through, reflecting on the ocean. Because of the subdued light and roll of the ship, I got 'blur' warnings from my camera. We are south of India, and east of the Maldives. I have not seen another ship today. I am surprised to see all the small island groups on the navigation chart for the Indian Ocean. We continue southeast, crossing another time zone every 2 or 3 days. We cross another tonight. Tomorrow, we will be 12 hours ahead of home time, CST.
There are few flying fish today. Perhaps, like humans, they prefer sunny days, or perhaps they have already advanced up the food chain. It is warm on the focsl today, even with the overcast. The cooling breeze is very light. I listen to my play list, singing and dancing to a few songs, like "Sweet Home Alabama" and "Born to be Wild", until another passenger appears.
Another passenger revised his meal portion instructions today: half size at breakfast, half size at lunch, and half size at supper, but full size for ice cream. My diet is not too different, except I skip many deserts and often a course from each meal, but I add another 100 or 200 calories of red wine most days. I estimate my total is around 1900 calories per day. I still need my belt. Life on a freighter is a vertical experience. The laundry is down 1 deck. The bridge is up 2 flights. At meal time, 3 times a day we go down 3 flights. To travel to the focsl, counting two trips to the bridge to check out and check back in, the total is 10 flights down and up. I think everyone on the ship develops 'calves of steel'.