Friday, 1/23/2008, started sunny and mild. There were whitecaps. Turned overcast and cooler, with rain late in the day. The sea turned battleship gray. Midday, we began to have more roll. Last night, there were stars. The sailing was smooth.
For the next 15 days, the ship will move across the North Pacific an average of 8 degrees longitude per day, through another 7 time zones. We will also repeat a whole day after we cross the International Date Line, like in the movie, 'Around the World in 80 Days'. Tonight, the ship's clocks will be advanced 1 hour, putting us in the time zone of Guam, Sydney, and Vladivostok. I have manually adjusted my watch and computer. At 13:00, I made a second trip to the Engine Room. This amazing engine has a verticle height of 4 decks, and has 7 cylinders. It is a 2 cycle marine engine with a displacement of 4750 liters, by my calculation. I wore my noise cancellation headphones.
Afterwards, I walked to my favorite spot on the focsl and listened to humor on the Ipod. I could see no other ships. Including the Engine Room trip, the focsl, meals and other trips, I went up and down 35 flights of stairs. At 17:00, the duty officer called to report 20 dolphins. Missed them again.