Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 93 Pacific Ocean

Friday, cool, but sunny. 12 degrees C. The water was very calm this afternoon. We are on the Pacific side of Japan today, headed for Nagoya. The ship will wait until morning to dock, because pilots don't work at night here. While the crew can go ashore, we are told that the passengers cannot, because Immigration is closed on weekends. I guess we won't be spending any money in this port to help the Japanese recession.

The ship was buzzed by a fighter jet this morning, a little after 1030. I walked to the focsl for the first time in days. Didn't stay long. I recorded a video on the way forward. On the return trip, I walked on the port side. There was a lot of water running on the deck, to wash it. Had another general alarm drill and lifeboat drill mid-afternoon, at 1520. The sunset was red tonight. It was the first I have seen or noticed in nearly 2 weeks. Supper was called Minute Meat. It was a stir fry, and was quite good.