Wednesday, 1/14/09, still sunny and cold. I am packed, fed and checked out when Sam arrives at 1000. We take the red line north to where his car is parked. Sam brings me inside the port gate, where I must ride the shuttle bus to the ship. We say goodby, and I thank him for his kind assistance. The crew seemed pleased and surprised that I was able to feed myself and get back to the ship on time. The time window was tight, much less than the published schedule. Originally scheduled to depart on 1/16/09, we depart today at 1800. Because I have been away from the ship, the agent takes me to Immigration. They wanted to verify that I matched my passport.
It is comfortable to return to my temporary and familiar home on the ship. I look forward to the bed and the roll I will experience tonight. A few summary thoughts: It was nice to have a 10 day break from the ship. Because my ship space and meals were paid for, the total cost per day for those 10 days more than doubled.
The changes in China are incredible! Ann and I were in Beijing in 2004. Shanghai and Beijing are certainly showcase cities with high air quality standards and cleaner power plants. The news is full of stories about green topics and conservation. I saw tree planting continuing. There is so much new construction. A few sites were standing still, perhaps because of the cold or the economic slowdown. In the park areas, I saw retired people active and exercising every day, even in the cold of January. There is now a retirement plan somewhat like Social Security. Health insurance and unemployment insurance is available. I enjoyed my visit.