Thursday, January 15, 2009
Day 85 Xi'an Terracotta Warriors
Thursday 1/8/09, very hazy, sunny and cold. Xi'an is pronounced kind of like SHEE-ANN. My driver was waiting for me at 0900, the appointed time. On the way, he stops to refill the vehicle with LNG. The fill cap is in the engine compartment. Negotiated the same price all over again, with help from the driver's English speaking friend, by cell phone. I confirm that I do not want to visit the other sites, only the Terracotta Warriors and the city Bell Tower, before returning to the hotel. The side trip for fuel and the drive to the Terracotta site take about an hour. It is cold. I am wearing a layer of thermal underwear, and wished I had also worn the second layer. After a cell phone call, an English speaking guide arrives. We run through the whole taxi price and return schedule again. Her fee is 100 Yuan, about 13 USD, and very well worth the cost. She is tall and bright, and enjoys her job.
The winter admission price is 65 Yuan. There are 4 pits. The 4th is empty, and unexcavated. Pit 1 is the largest and best known. I take a series of pictures, which I think I can join together into a panorama. Pit 3 contains high ranking officers. Pit 2 is only partially excavated. The contents are known and mapped, but scholars and researchers are waiting until better excavation techniques are developed, so that the color may be preserved. There are some excellent statues in glass display cases, which ordinary people can get close to. Dignitaries are sometimes permitted into the pits, close up to the actual statues. Made a short visit to the gift shop, where jade and stone carvings may be purchased. Replicas of the warriors carved from the same material can be purchased. The cost of a life-size replica including shipping, and before winter discount, is 13,000 Yuan, about 2000 USD. I settle for a packet of post cards. On the return trip, the driver proceeds into the old walled city, which has been restored. He parks south of the Bell Tower so I may take pictures.
Back at the hotel, I try to get my air ticket confirmed for the next day, but that apparently is not done. I enjoyed this part of China very much. If I had more time, and it was warmer, I would have visited the provincial fine art museum, which was only a few blocks away. Technology is amazing. After midnight, I am able to watch the President-elect's speech live on CNN. I watch about 20 minutes before going to sleep.