Thursday, 1/29/2009, partly sunny. Woke at 0445. Looked out my south window. With no moon visible, it is very dark. Many stars were visible. Some stars near the horizon are not familiar. My curiousity was not great enough to dig out the star charts and dress for a look outside. I went back to bed.
I am glad to have a starboard cabin on days like this. As I watch the ocean roll by, the sun feels good as it warms my face. There are no white caps. After lunch, when I walk to the Focsl, the wind from the starboard fore quarter (right front) is brisk. Later in the day, the roll picked up. The image today is Krakatoa, which is south of Sumatra. It erupted in 1883 spewing more than 5 cubic miles of debris into the air. The outer islands are all that remain of the crater rim. The inner island is still venting steam, which is visible. Our time advances again tonight to the time zone of Hawaii. Our time will be only 4 hours behind CST.