Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 111 North Pacific Ocean

Monday, 2/2/2009, overcast with only a little sun. At 1630, the sea was glassy. Swells are moderate, with a little roll. We have 19 fairly repetitive days in a row crossing the Pacific.
.Another day at sea.
..Another day at sea.
...Another day at sea.
....Another day at sea.
.....Another day at sea.
......Another day at sea.
.......Another day at sea.
You get the picture. Aside from my usual daily routine, what set today apart was that I wrote a short story, did 2 loads of laundry, and clipped my toe nails. Our time advances one hour tonight to Pacific Standard Time, 2 hours ahead of CST. We will advance all the way to Eastern Standard Time in a few days, because that is the time zone for Panama. Today's picture was taken in the dining room of the Park Hotel in Shanghai. This jar of preserved fruit is one of several on display at the breakfast buffet.