Sunday, 2/8/2009, sunny and clear. There were white caps most of the day. At 0800 we were off El Salvador. Our speed is slower today because of wind and area currents. The days are getting noticeably longer and warmer as we continue southward. I wore Bermuda shorts and a tee-shirt. I noticed the fill hose is out for the pool. Today was more relaxed. It was a rest day for many of the crew. I phoned home. When I went to the Focsl today, I walked 5 laps around the main deck. The port side was wet today from the swells, but not awash like it was yesterday.
Today, I had all 6 food groups, the toast group, the half-a-steak group, the broccoli group, the pizza group, the dark chocolate group, and the red wine group. The image today is a small wooden boat in Viet Nam. Our time advances one hour to Eastern Standard Time, for a few days, until we are on the other side of the Canal. We will then retard an hour, back to CST.