Wednesday, 2/4/2009, overcast. Last night there were stars. I saw Orion again. I saw dolphins from the Bridge before 0800 this morning. We are west of Baja all day today, bearing southeast toward Panama. The sea is still glassy and smooth. For a while at noon, the water beside the ship was very glassy. After lunch, my walk to the Focsl was pleasant. The wind is very mild. Today, the deck crew greased the cables on 3 of the 4 cargo cranes, moving down the cables, all the way to the ends of the booms. Peach Melba was offered at breakfast. I had duck at lunch, and beef stroganoff for supper.
The picture today was taken in October 2008, on departure from New Orleans, sailing down the Mississippi River. The French Quarter is on the right. The ship is moving at 5 knots, and the wake is barely visible. We expect to visit New Orleans again in about 2 weeks, before returning to my starting point, Houston, Texas. Tonight, the time advances another hour to Mountain Standard Time, one hour behind CST.