Friday, 2/6/2009, sunny and clear all day. The seas are smooth with no white caps and little roll. Today and the next week are tee shirt weather again. After lunch, when I reached the Focsl here at 17 degrees north latitude, I saw flying fish again for the first time since the Indian Ocean. Saw a large multi-colored fish with a blue tail. I believe it is a dorada. Also saw two turtles. George saw more dolphins, both from the Focsl and a pod of 100 at sunset. Few ships are visible. I saw one today. Some appear on radar or the GPS receiver, but I have only seen 3 since we left Japan. It's a big ocean.
The image today is from Hiroshima again. Hiroshima is an old sea port. As you can see, the sea serpents like to climb up the street lamps. Our time advances another hour tonight to Central Standard Time.