Wednesday, 2/11/2009, sunny and tropical haze until we entered the Caribbean Sea midafternoon. After crossing Gatun Lake, the ship descended through the 3 Gatun Locks. The duration was from about 1300 until 1430 EST. Two things surprised me about the Panama Canal. I thought there would be more lift than the actual rise of 26 meters, or 85 feet. Also, I was expecting to see more traffic.
The ship crossed the remaining distance to open sea and cleared the Colon breakwater at 1530. I took an Aleve. My hip was sore from too much standing or climbing. There is moderate roll. I will put things away tonight. Our course is slightly west of north, toward Galveston. The pool was drained this afternoon. I think I was the only person who used it, and I used it twice. Finished reading 'The Christmas Train' by Baldacci. Time retards an hour tonight to CST. This is my last time zone change for the voyage.