Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day 123 Gulf of Mexico

Saturday, 2/14/2009, overcast, partly sunny. Last night the stars were great. Called home early this morning for Valentines Day. As we move furthur north, the days are shorter and the temperature is lower. There was fog at times from the cooler air over the warmer water. Maybe I could have worn Bermudas on my walk today, but long pants were more comfortable. The Bermudas and swimming suit are washed and packed until May. There are more ships around. I have seen 2 oil platforms already.

The picture today is another view of the Centennial Bridge at the Panama Canal. George will have an internet connection in a day or two. Please check his site to see more of his extraordinary images. Our expected arrival in Galveston is early Sunday morning. Could leave late afternoon for New Orleans. Mardi Gras is the week after we will be there.