Friday, December 26, 2008

Day 72 South China Sea

Friday, overcast turning to rain. The temperature is cooler now. Last night: I watched a documentary on Van Cliburn. There were many fishing boats in the area with bright light arrays, to attract fish. We had one short period of moderate roll, but the night was mostly smooth. Over the last several weeks, sometimes the ship's movement is like a continuous earthquake, sometimes it is like a galloping horse, and sometimes it is like a cradle or a hammock.

We left the South China Sea this afternoon, at 1400, moving through narrow tidal channels for 3 hours, arriving at the dock in Ho Chi Minh City at 1730. There are many old wooden fishing boats, many tied up near the shore. We saw 2 high speed transports, which pass close in front of the ship. They appear to be hovercraft. The local pilot blew the ship's horn many times because of boats too close or blind turns. I'm glad I was back from the focsl when the honking started, because the horn is up there, and it is LOUD. The ship is tied up near a new suspension bridge, which is under construction, and about half complete. It is dark already, but I see many large logs on the dock.

Three of us needed visas, at 75 USD each. The schedule is being advanced, and liberty will expire at 0930 tomorrow morning. All three of us decide not to get a visa for $75 on a rainy night. At home, we use some Kashi brand products, toaster waffles, cereals, snack bars. I'm trying to learn a few Chinese words and also am looking at my Japanese guide. I learned that kashi is a Japanese word that means 'little confection'. This is another passenger's blog: Correction: Yesterday, we were in the Gulf of Thailand.