Saturday, November 22, 2008

Day 38 Hamburg

Saturday, there is more fresh snow on the ground. It was sunny and cold, changing to cloudy about 10 am. Saw a V formation of migrating birds. The sun is back again now. Hamburg is at 53 degrees N latitude, as far north as we will go on this entire voyage. If you have a road atlas, take a look at where 53 degrees crosses Canada, it's about 550 miles straight north of Minneapolis.

The afternoon sun shining through my aft cabin window is pleasant, and seems as least as low as it is at home in December. The leaves are gone here, and the days are shorter. My cabin temperature dropped down to 58 degrees F last night before the heat came on, but has been comfortable since. Reminded me of Minnesota.

The Shanghai has caught up with us again. Cargo activity continues, but is at a calmer pace today. I have not met the first new passenger yet, but will probably meet at dinner. The next 2 are scheduled to join us tomorrow.